Pristine Premium Quality Toilet Roll 3-ply is luxurious toilet tissue suited for washroom use. Comfortable and hygienic and provides a luxurious feel, enhancing the user experience. Washroom paper is a critical part of our lives when it comes to hygiene, cleanliness, and comfort - and the research shows that having quality products in your washroom does make a difference. People notice! Provide your family, business or customers with quality washroom paper. Made of Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®-C117930) certified and other controlled material.
The quality of your washroom paper can reflect on the reputation of your establishment, with a growing majority of consumers (60%) valuing well-kept washrooms so much that they're willing to spend more money when they encounter one, according to the 11th annual Healthy Hand Washing Survey. Stocking your washroom with high-quality and paper products can help increase your business's reputation, and provide an overall better guest experience.
Considering FSC-certified products? FSC® is an internationally recognised organisation that certifies whether products come from responsibly harvested forests, recycled materials and/or FSC®-controlled wood.
Made from Renewable Sources
This Pristine Toilet Tissue is Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®-C117930) certified. FSC® is a global, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management. FSC® promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.