Accreditations, Memberships & Associations

We know our customers are looking for a trusted partner who is committed to delivering quality products. At Bunzl we execute to the highest accreditations and ensure we have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver solutions with maximum effect.    

Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)
ACCPA is the national Industry Association for aged care providers offering retirement living, seniors housing, residential care, home care, community care, and related services.
  Aged Care Services Australia (ACSA)
ACSA is the leading national peak body supporting not for profit church, charitable and for purpose providers of retirement living, community, home and residential care for older Australians.
  Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP)
In 2023 Bunzl won the AIP’s Packaging Innovation & Design
Award for Marketing Design of the Sustain’s OzHarvest Collection.
  Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC)
AMIC is the only industry association representing the post-farmgate Australian meat industry. It works with members, governments and industry groups to influence policy and provide technical and other services to the industry.
Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)
Bunzl was honoured to win the Our Packaging Future Award in Industry Education at the 2022 APCO Awards.
  Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
We report our climate change performance through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
  Continence Foundation of Australia (CFA)
The Continence Foundation of Australia exists to serve all Australians by promoting bladder, bowel and pelvic floor health.
  Forest Stewardship Council®
Forest Stewardship Council® (Bunzl certification FSC®-C117930) certified products enable businesses and consumers to choose wood, paper and other forest products made with materials from well-managed forests. FSC® is a global, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management. Look for products that display this symbol (FSC®) indicating they are certified as environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
  Good Enviroment Choice Australia (GECA)
GECA is a purpose driven, not for profit organisation that provides solutions for sustainable consumption and production. GECA’s ecolabel on products and services provides an independent tick to specifiers and purchasers that products and services are better for the environment and have a reduced impact on human health. GECA has developed their own rigorous standards, following ISO 14024 principles for global best practice in ecolabelling, that are then independently assessed by GECA Assurance Providers.
  HACCP International
HACCP International’s certification means the product is suitable for use in facilities that operate in accordance with a HACCP International based Food Safety Programme. \This is an internationally recognised method of identifying and managing food safety risk. HACCP International operates an assessment and certification scheme for equipment, materials and services used within the food industry that contributes to food safety.
  Prostate Cancer Foundation of Victoria (PCFA)
Australia’s leading community-based organisation for prostate cancer research, awareness, and support.
UN Race-To-Zero
Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.
  Science Based Targets (SBTi)
Bunzl has set targets through the Science Based Targets initiative. SBTi drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organisations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.
Bunzl is a member of Sedex, an online Supplier Ethical Data Exchange system that allows our customers to view information on ethical and responsible practices.
  International Organization For Standardization (ISO)
ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant. International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.